Sunday, May 10, 2009

San Diego

A very long trip from DC to San Diego, via Chicago.  This is the start of a long process of preparing for deployment to Iraq.  While I am somewhat excited about the job I will be doing and the ability to make a bit of a difference I am also sad about leaving behind what has become a great and comfortable life in DC.  

When I checked in the clerk told me the Bachelor's Quarters I would be staying and and I was a bit disappointed since it is the same BOQ that I stayed in when I first came into the Navy in 1991.  Even as a young LT (jg) I was underwhelmed by the room and while it has been redone in the intervening 18 years but I am still a bit, meh.

Anyway, I am off like a prom dress and will post every excruciatingly boring detail of the coming week.